Simon King
Simon King is a Principal Interaction Designer at IDEO Chicago where he leads both strategic–and implementation–focused work, designing macro- and micro-interactions across a diverse portfolio that includes online financial tools, professional medical devices, mobile device platforms, and in-vehicle experiences for clients such as PNC, Medtronic, AT&T, and Ford Motor Company.
UX Camp 2013: Mobile Camp
Scratch Your Own Itch: Simple, Designer-driven Apps
Making a useful app doesn’t always require a development team, VC funding, or plans to change the world. We all use services where part of the experience is broken or not quite what we need. Create instead of critique–dive in and build simple apps to make common everyday experiences a little better. To scratch my own itch I created News Now, an iPhone app utilizing the NPR API. Using that experience as a starting point, this talk will look at examples and techniques for making simple single-serving apps that even designers without hardcore development chops can create.