Shay Howe

Shay Howe

Shay Howe

As a designer and front end developer, Shay Howe has a passion for solving problems while building creative and intuitive products. He specializes in user interface design and front end development, working inside HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on a daily basis. Additionally, Shay teaches a front end design and development and helps co-organize Chicago Camps, Refresh Chicago, and UX Happy Hour.

For more, keep up with Shay at or on Twitter as @shayhowe.


UX Camp 2013: Mobile Camp

Modern Style Guides for a Better Tomorrow

Times are changing and so must the process in which we design and build websites. The days of designing static compositions in Photoshop are a thing of the past, instead, responsive design within the browser is the future. This new world is not without its own risks, but if we focus on maintainability, organization, and modularity we can achieve a better tomorrow.

In this talk Shay will outline styleguides, living documentation on the design and development of a website, and their role within web design and development process. Looking at a few modern practices and standards, this talk will cover the benefits of stylesguides, the strategy behind creating one, and how to best utilize one within your project.

Speaker Details
Speaker Details
February 2025
Events of the Speaker
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