Erin Malone
Experience Matters
Erin Malone is principal at Experience Matters Design, specializing in designing systems, complex tools, user research and social interfaces and is currently working with the ADL’s Center for Technology and Society working on research and tools to help mitigate hate in online social spaces.
David Antognoli
Assistant Professor of Game Design
Columbia College Chicago
David Antognoli is a game developer and professor of game design at Columbia College Chicago. A game industry veteran with experience in both programming and game design roles, he has worked on projects with companies like Microsoft, Sega, 2K Games, and Nickelodeon.
David Gerding
Associate Professor
Columbia College
Dave Gerding has been called a “gifted motivational speaker” and “energizer bunny” by his consulting clients. Dave is an Associate Professor in Interactive Arts and Media at Columbia College Chicago where he teaches both media theory and advanced software development courses.