
Meena Kothandaraman
Meena Kothandaraman
Experience Strategist
With 30 years of experience, Meena has consulted to emphasize the strategic value and positioning of qualitative research in the design of product, space and service.
Maria Pereda
Maria Pereda
Director of Product Design
Maria leads design at Clio, helping increase access to justice while improving the lives of lawyers. Previously, she’s led teams at Roadmunk, Schoology, Critical Mass and GE.
Marc Rambeau
Marc Rambeau
Director of Content Strategy
Marc leads content strategy, content design and copywriting at U.Group. His team cuts through the cruft to drive action and simplify services.
Helen Keighron
Helen Keighron
Fractional Design Executive
Helen Keighron is a fractional design executive and startup advisor focused on helping SaaS companies of all sizes unlock the business value of design and avoid common scaling pitfalls.
Christine McGlade
Christine McGlade
Sessional Lecturer, Digital Futures
OCAD University
Christine McGlade has been a digital media producer, designer, and educator for over 20 years. She is a sessional lecturer in the Digital Futures faculty at OCAD University in Toronto where she teaches topics in user experience design and user research, data visualization, futures thinking, and the ethical issues that arise when we step into design leadership roles in the digital economy.
JR Miller
JR Miller
UX Writing Lead & Product Designer
JR Miller is a Caribbean-American writer, designer, and speaker in the Bay Area. He’s worked on design and brand initiatives for companies such as Google, cPanel, and Grooveshark.
Eva PenzeyMoog
Eva PenzeyMoog
Principal Design
8th Light
Eva PenzeyMoog is a Chicago-based UX designer who focuses on the emerging space of safety design. Before joining the tech field she worked in education non-profit and volunteered as a domestic violence educator and rape crisis counselor.
David Dylan Thomas
David Dylan Thomas
Author, Speaker, Filmmaker
David Dylan Thomas, LLC
David Dylan Thomas, author of Design for Cognitive Bias, creator and host of The Cognitive Bias Podcast, and a twenty-year practitioner of content strategy and UX, has consulted major clients in entertainment, healthcare, publishing, finance, and retail.
Dr. Temple Grandin
Dr. Temple Grandin
Professor, Speaker, Author
Colorado State University
Dr. Temple Grandin, a world-renowned autism spokesperson, scientist, and inventor, has served as an inspiration and role model to hundreds of thousands of families and persons with autism. In this unique presentation, Temple eloquently and candidly describes the challenges she has faced and offers glimpses into her own childhood, with ideas on how others dealing with autism can meet these obstacles and improve the quality of their lives.
Julia Beauchamp Kraft
Julia Beauchamp Kraft
Speak To Inspire
Julia Beauchamp Kraft is the founder of the public speaking training company, Speak To Inspire. Founded in 2014, Speak To Inspire has trained 1000’s of entrepreneurs and professionals as well as 100’s of companies like LinkedIn, Salesforce, ZScaler, Twitter, etc.
December 2024