Alyssa Boehm
Vice President of User Experience
Alyssa is the Vice President of User Experience at Forrester. She has established UX practices, career ladders, and built high-performing, cross-functional teams in a variety of spaces including customer science, healthcare, financial services, and education.
Lena Trudeau
Chief Operating Officer
Fu Associates
Lena Trudeau is the COO at Fu Associates. Lena served as a member of the U.S. Federal Government’s Senior Executive Service. As Associate Commissioner at the General Services Administration (GSA), she was mandated to leverage technology to modernize procurement practices and transform business operations.
Celia Hodent
Author, Consultant
Celia Hodent is an expert in the application of cognitive science and psychology to improve products, systems, services, and video games. She currently leads an independent UX consultancy, working with a wide range of international media and enterprise companies.
Stephen P. Anderson
The Mighty Minds Club
Stephen P. Anderson is a speaker and author who spends too much time thinking about visual collaboration, how people learn, and board games; not necessarily in that order. Oh, and he’s on a mission: To make learning the hard stuff fun, by creating ‘things to think with’ and ‘spaces’ for generative play.