Kavitha Krishnan

Kavitha Krishnan

Kavitha Krishnan

Kavitha Krishnan aka lifelong champion for UX is a passionate UX professional who enjoys solving problems, organizing information and designing interactions. Currently, she is a Senior UX Strategist with Mattel, WI after working for companies like EMC Corporation, Dell, SmartBear and American Family Insurance and CUNA Mutual Group.

Kavitha has a Masters in Computer Applications from India and worked as a software programmer before entering the magical world of UX. She also has a masters in Engineering Management from Tufts University and is currently pursing a masters in Human Factors in Information Design from Bentley University. Recently, Kavitha formed a local chapter for Ladies that UX in Madison, WI.


UX Camp: Front-End Camp 2017

Deceptive Patterns (note: this title has been updated to reflect a better way to represent the design challenge)

A deceptive pattern is when an user interface includes carefully concealed tricks that lead users into doing things they might not otherwise do. When we see a “bad design,” we imagine the creator as being sloppy or lazy – but without ill intent. Deceptive patterns, on the other hand, are not mistakes. They’re carefully crafted based on a solid understanding of human psychology, and they do not have the user’s interests in mind. Dark patterns aren’t limited to the web.

Most of us encounter deceptive patterns in UX on a regular basis and may not realize it. It’s not surprising – the deceptive side of user experience isn’t something we like to talk about in the UX community. After all, UX is a force for good.

In this talk, I will share a few examples of deceptive patterns in UX, types of deceptive patterns – trick question, forced continuity, misdirection and roach motel. I will dive into the psychology behind these deceptive patterns and how they can impact business relationship with their users. I will also share a few suggestions on how you can modify deceptive patterns to become a force for good, an honest pattern.

UX Camp 2016

Content first for better User Experience

Do you miss major opportunities because your organization iterates User Experience (UX) designs without content insights? Does your organization make you wait until the final stages of the project release to unite content and design? Then you are in the right place. In my talk, I will explain:

  • Why is content first for better UX?
  • Why working without content is a flawed process?
  • Work around when the content is not yet available – examples and personal experiences when I designed without the content
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Speaker Details
February 2025
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