David Gerding
Dave Gerding has been called a “gifted motivational speaker” and “energizer bunny” by his consulting clients. Dave is an Associate Professor in Interactive Arts and Media at Columbia College Chicago where he teaches both media theory and advanced software development courses. He’s lectured at the University of Vienna, been principal investigator on federally funded UX research, and is also a certified McCarthy Core Protocols Instructor, ScrumMaster and Xamarin Developer and is working on Unity-related certifications, too. ‘Cause we do need stinkin’ badges!
UX Camp Fall 2019
McCarthy Protocols: Social, Emotional & Virtue-Centered Ninja Skills for Individuals & Teams
The “Core Protocols” are an ever-evolving set of team and personal practices, in ongoing- development for 25 years, the Core Protocols predicted both Agile-style iterative development and the central role of social and emotional competencies for effective teams. Best of all: They’re open source and freely shared. This talk will give attendees 5 easy-to-use practices that can transform their effectiveness with team-members, managers and, most importantly, clients. The Core Protocols have been taught to and are in use by professional teams on 4 continents. Plus they are fun just might prevent cavities.