Chris Courtney
Chris is the Director of the Design Program at, an online education startup based in San Francisco, California. At Bloc, he draws upon 20 years of design experience building brands and products to prepare the next wave of designers how to push beyond how something looks and focus on why it matters. When he’s not busy building design students, he can be found trying out new tech gadgets, consulting with media startups, and running marathons.
For more, keep up with Chris at or on Twitter as @designhawg.
UX Camp: Front-End Camp 2017
Beyond the Show: The Making of Job-Ready Designers
Every year thousands of designers graduate from our educational institutions, yet many are not hired even though thousands of open positions go unfilled. Why is that? At Bloc, we’ve had conversations with hundreds of design program graduates and the design leaders who have hired them. This gives us a very good read on how graduates successfully land jobs as well as what design leaders see in these graduates that makes them want to bring them on. This talk will break apart what the ideal design graduate looks like to industry and investigate how we as educators can prepare the next wave of graduates to have a greater chance of success.