Casey Hald

Casey Hald

Casey Hald

Casey Hald has been doing web design & user experience since 2008. He has worked mostly on enterprise software—developing rapid prototypes and conducting usability sessions to determine usability for designs. Casey has worn multiple hats in his career, mostly pertaining to workflow design & frontend development. On the side, he mostly plays the roll as a frontend developer for designers. Full-time—however—his passion is user experience and workflow design for enterprise software.

You can reach him at @solllve on twitter. He lives in sunny Southern California with his wife and dog, and spends too much free time at dog parks. He is an avid surfer and is always looking for the next adventure.

For more, keep up with Casey at or on Twitter as @solllve.


UX Camp Spring 2022

Introduction to UXE (UX Engineering)

UX Engineers are there not only to help enforce design patterns, but to be creative with coded solutions that assist in speeding up user testing in environments that add security for both the participant and interviewer. I am going to show how code methodologies and current frameworks can help communicate design decisions and drive a cohesive bond with other teams inside your organization.

The one thing every designer can agree on is that design sometimes doesn’t translate perfectly into production environments. There can be glaring alignment issues, misuse of fonts, and all sorts of weird color interpretations development teams make, simply because they make too many assumptions and rush to make deadlines. Imagine not just delivering a design file to developers—but an entire coded framework with precise css code that guarantees design fidelity. A UX Engineer is a designer’s best friend.

As UX continues to grow and evolve, the more need there is to have prototypes available to share with clients, pitch for funding and resources, and iterate patterns with design teams. UX Engineers allow designers to see and test their work in real world applications outside of design software, and create a more cohesive bond with development teams.

UX Camp Winter 2021

Rapid Prototyping in the Design Process

No one likes spending hours of time on a well thought out design, only to learn that the idea behind the design wasn’t backed by user feedback. Creating with a prototype mindset makes it easier to create quickly, without the added anxiety of thinking you will need to crumple it up and throw away later.

Rapid prototyping is quick, often rigged workflows built for the purpose of proving or disproving an idea or assumption. It’s important to keep in mind that design and rapid prototyping are two very different things. When you think design, you think pixel-perfect, time consuming layouts.

We’ll work through how these two very different actions play an important part in user experience design. Learn how rethinking your approach to usability sessions as a rapid prototyper will allow you to either prove or kill an idea in record time.

Available Videos

Casey Hald – Rapid Prototyping in the Design Process

UX Camp Winter 2021 Rapid Prototyping in the Design Process No one likes spending hours of time on a well thought out design, only to learn that the idea behind the design wasn’t backed by user feedback. Creating with a…

Casey Hald – Introduction to UXE (UX Engineering)

UX Camp Spring 2022 Introduction to UXE (UX Engineering) UX Engineers are there not only to help enforce design patterns, but to be creative with coded solutions that assist in speeding up user testing in environments that add security for…

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February 2025
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