Brad Nunnally
Brad Nunnally is the Senior Director of User Experience at Intellibridge and a co-author of “Designing The Conversation: Techniques for Successful Facilitation” for New Riders (Voices That Matter) and “UX Research: Practical Techniques for Designing Better Products” for O’Reilly Media. During his career, Brad has worked with clients spanning almost every major industry, mostly focusing on healthcare, financial services, and government digital services.
Brad has enjoyed writing and speaking on topics that include user research, interactive prototyping, and how cognitive psychology applies to design. These days, he contemplates how the government can be redesigned to be more person centric and how organizations can build and mature design teams to meet the demands of how business and technology work today. When he is not thinking about the world of design, he spends time learning important life lessons from his children, playing too many video and tabletop games, and learning woodworking through a constant string of failures.
Leadership By Design 2022
Growing Better Design Careers
One of the biggest challenges to retaining employees is the lack of value or growth they perceive in their current position. To solve this, design leaders need to provide a clear understanding and path for career advancement that is based on outcomes and objective skills. This means designing a system centered around a growth based mindset which:
- Defines job descriptions that are skill and outcome based rather than based on subjective qualifications
- Establishes a Career Progression Framework with team roles aligned around defined outcomes and professional growth based on individual needs and learning styles.
Pairing these two concepts together helps leaders that manage teams large or small, made up of specialist or generalists, or teams that are just getting started or have been established for some time. In the ever changing world of employee retention and workplace dynamics, design leaders can help position your teams for future growth and meet your designers where they are at to better layout what kind of future they want.
UX Camp 2017
See What I Mean — The Hidden Language of the Body
As designers, we are lucky enough to get to interact with many different types of people during the course of our work. We observe people using technology and proposed design solutions. While working on our projects, we collaborate directly with our team, clients, and stakeholders to bring a solution to life. All of this interaction exposes us to lots of body language. The language of the body offers up many hints and insights into what people are thinking and feeling. It’s been said that our bodies communicates what is really on our minds, and it’s important to know not only what others might be telling you but what you could be telling them.
It’s important for designers to have a fundamental understanding of body language and patterns they should look for when interacting with users or team members. There are key patterns that, when observed correctly, can tell you if someone is supportive of your idea, hiding their true feelings, or simply sitting back and daydreaming the meeting away.
Observing non-verbal communication cues is only one side of the coin though, the other side being your own body language. Inherently knowing the patterns and signs of the body opens your eyes to the messages you might be giving off. The ability to manage your own body language is something that can be learned and mastered, helping you become a better collaborator and communicator.
Participants will walk away from this session with a basic knowledge of how to read and respond to common non-verbal communication patterns and learn how to better manage their own non-verbal communication. They will be armed with additional resources to continue on their path of mastering the language of the body.
Speaker Camp Chicago
UX Camp 2012: Prototype Camp
The Layers of Prototyping
Prototyping is less about the tools you use and more about the process you follow. The process of prototyping can be broken down to three key layers–wireframing, screen flow, and state management. The completion of any of these layers is where a designer can stop, but as each layer is completed, the prototype gets closer to being a true representation of the final interaction design concept. By going through these layers one at a time, the overall complexity of the prototype melts away and the designer can take on the design one piece at a time. This is a process that has served me well in my career, and it has helped designers just getting into prototype tackle large and complex designs.