Emily Wachowiak
Senior Content Designer
Emily has worked with digital content for 10+ years, shifting from marketing copywriting and content strategy to UX writing and content design. She founded the UX writing practice at Peapod Digital Labs (the e-commerce provider for grocery brands such as Stop & Shop) before practicing content design team at Upwork and Mozilla.
Stephen P. Anderson
The Mighty Minds Club
Stephen P. Anderson is a speaker and author who spends too much time thinking about visual collaboration, how people learn, and board games; not necessarily in that order. Oh, and he’s on a mission: To make learning the hard stuff fun, by creating ‘things to think with’ and ‘spaces’ for generative play.
Colin MacArthur
Adjunct Professor of Design and Digital Government
Bocconi University
Colin MacArthur is the former Director of Digital Practice, and Head of Design Research, at the Canadian Digital Service. Now he’s an Adjunct Professor of Design and Digital Government at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. He also advises several organizations on design and research strategy. Colin was once described as a “die-hard artificial intelligence hater,” but has been teaching students to use AI to do UX reseach for several years now.