Saskia Videler – Adventures in Style: What I’ve Learned Creating Several Content Style Guides

Saskia Videler - Adventures in Style: What I’ve Learned Creating Several Content Style Guides
Saskia Videler
Content Strategist
The Dutchess
Saskia Videler is a senior content strategist in Belgium. She helps organizations streamline their content and communication efforts.


UX Camp Fall 2020

Adventures in Style: What I’ve Learned Creating Several Content Style Guides

Whether you work for a 5 or 50.000 person organisation, you will need to work together with the right people, to know what the user needs, to find the right balance with what the organisation wants, to document well, and to make sure the guidelines are adopted, to be able to call your content style guide a success.

Content style guides inform the voice, tone, grammar, verbosity and vocabulary of the content. Done well, they are a great tool for collaboration that will help you get your product on point, faster (and with fewer discussions).

This talk will cover learned experiences and common pitfalls (real mistakes I’ve personally made and learned from) you might encounter in content style guide creation, management, and implementation. It will help you avoid them, and to create or improve your own style guide.

Event Details
October 17, 2020
10:00 am
October 17, 2020
3:30 pm
UX Camp Fall 2020 is a 1-day mini-conference that delivers great UX content at a price that lets anyone attend, from where you are. On Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 10AM CT, from where ever you are—we’re serving up 2...
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