UX Camp Spring 2021
Designing Through Imposter Syndrome: Using a Goal-based Framework to Navigate Career Growth in Design
The design industry doesn’t make it easy for any of us to be designers—and it can seem even more challenging to be a great designer. We all want to do great work; however, great design is subjective! We all want to grow our skills, and our industry is riddled with tool debates, in-fighting about who is a designer, who should code, and any number of other competing viewpoints that make it difficult to know if you’re on the right path.
Design, the noun, verb, and industry, can leave even the strongest of us doubting ourselves and wondering what we need to do next. I’ve struggled with imposter syndrome, and through the reflection of my own experiences transitioning from development to design, I’ll share the framework that is helping me find my growth path so you can tailor it to meet your needs, and target the future that makes the most sense for you.