United States of America

Dave Kiss
Dave Kiss Dave Kiss branches from the designer/developer model and is interested in shifting the paradigm that learning always has to be from the top down. He currently writes code and love-emails at Greyscalegorilla. In his free-time, Dave works on...
Smith Schwartz
Smith Schwartz Smith Schwartz is a digital nomad who cascades with style around U.S. and the globe while working as a front-end developer and designer. She also writes about her adventures at Schwartzography.com as well as in the column ‘Well-Designed...
Victoria Pater
Victoria Pater Victoria Pater is a digitally-focused creative in Chicago. She currently works as a senior mobile designer at Orbitz Worldwide. As a co-founder of Quite Strong, a female collaborative made up of five women, she is a dedicated advocate...
Kaitlin Yapchaian
Kaitlin Yapchaian Kaitlin Yapchaian is the Executive Producer of R/GA’s Prototype Studio where she manages the day-to-day prototyping practice. Having worked across technology, marketing and publishing for nearly a decade, she has devised, managed and executed products and campaigns for...
Marc Maleh
Marc Maleh As a group director at R/GA, Marc is responsible for the Data Visualization capability as well as the Rapid Prototype Studio. In this role, he works in partnership with the creative team to grow the data visualization capability...
Samantha Starmer
Samantha Starmer Samantha Starmer is Vice President of Customer Experience for Razorfish’s national Commerce and Content practice, where she works on strategy and best practices for creating seamless experiences across all touchpoints of the customer shopping journey. Prior to Razorfish,...
Andy Crestodina
Andy Crestodina Presentations Speaker Camp Chicago Mentor
Clark Sell
Clark Sell Presentations Speaker Camp Chicago Mentor
Dennis Schleicher
Dennis Schleicher Presentations Speaker Camp Chicago Mentor
Laura Creekmore
Laura Creekmore Presentations Speaker Camp Chicago Mentor
September 2024