United States of America

Carolyn Chandler
Carolyn Chandler Carolyn Chandler has been working in the field of User Experience Design for over 20 years, after finding it due to a driving interest in psychology and anthropology. As Director of UX at Eight Bit Studios, her areas...
Melinda Kilner
Melinda Kilner Melinda is a Senior Product Designer at Gem, helping teams nurture top talent. With a background in front-end development, she also has extensive experience designing for the learning and training space, and helping worldwide organizations build their digital...
Michaela Hackner
Michaela Hackner Michaela is passionate about using words and stories to make the world a better place. She started her career designing content in the nonprofit space where she worked with women entrepreneurs in Cambodia and East Africa, and led...
Amy Johnson
Amy Johnson Amy Johnson is a Senior Product Designer at Sprout Social in Chicago, IL. She is a late-diagnosed autistic female and a neurodiversity and product accessibility advocate. Amy has experienced several different types of tech work environments through her...
Snigdha Sah
Snigdha Sah I combine my passion for user-centered qualitative research with my ability to work effectively in collaborative spaces to propel my commitment to enhance the everyday experience of users. In doing so, I adopt creative, strategic and collaborative approaches...
Julia Keren-Detar
Julia Keren-Detar Julia Keren-Detar is a game designer and developer based out of Chicago, IL. Currently she is the Creative Director for Untame, a studio shared by her and her husband. She is working on Mushroom 11 with Itay Keren,...
Josh Christopher
Josh Christopher Josh Christopher is the UX Practice Lead at geniant with over 15 years of experience helping companies transform experiences for their employees and customers. He is a firm believer in frequent user involvement tied to the design process...
Lauren Lucchese
Lauren Lucchese Lauren is a UX content strategist, writer, and editor based in Chicago. She’s currently a UX Content Strategist at Capital One, where she uses words to design product experiences that feel like meaningful, personal conversations with customers. Lauren...
Anne Hjortshøj
Anne Hjortshøj Anne Hjortshoj is a product design leader with an accidental specialty in spinning up new teams. During her 20+ year career, she’s successfully led design and product teams in industries as disparate as automotive, cybersecurity, online education, financial...
JR Miller
JR Miller JR Miller is a Caribbean-American writer, designer, and speaker in the Bay Area. He’s worked on design and brand initiatives for companies such as Google, cPanel, and Grooveshark. An advocate for human-centered design, JR believes in bringing inclusivity...
September 2024