Lisa Welchman For the past two decades, the leaders of global 1000 companies, NGOs, and other organizations have turned to Lisa to analyze and solve their digital governance challenges. Lisa also speaks globally on issues related to digital governance, the...
Erin ‘Folletto’ Casali Erin Casali, known as “Folletto”, is a senior product design director and coach. She has a hybrid background in design, psychology, business and technology — with a people-centered approach. Over the years she built products and helped...
Veronica Naguib Veronica Naguib is the Managing Director at ImpactSense, an insight company who are disrupting the way research and Experience Measurement is done today. Experienced in both Service Design and UX, Veronica is an expert in transforming the CX...
Janelle Ward Janelle has led UX research at digital product companies, both as a founding lead and as a manager upskilling and growing existing research teams. She has a background in psychology and digital communication and spent 15 years in...
Caroline Jarrett Caroline Jarrett is the forms specialist, helping clients to make forms easier to fill in. She uses techniques drawn from user research, service design, content design, and interaction design. Recent clients include NHS England, Defra (the UK Department...
Cennydd Bowles Cennydd Bowles is a digital product designer and writer. He has a decade of experience helping companies realise the benefits of good design, most recently as design manager at Twitter. He writes for A List Apart and is...