Derek Featherstone Derek Featherstone is an internationally known speaker, practitioner, and authority on accessibility and inclusive design. He has been working on the web since 1999, when he left his career as a high school teacher to start his own...
Farai Madzima Born in Zimbabwe, Farai was going to be doctor but didn’t get the grades. Now he’s a designer. Make of that what you will. Using words, scribbles, and pixels he’s spent the last 14 years helping design and...
Cornelius Rachieru Cornelius is Managing Director at Canadian UX consultancy Ampli2de Inc. and is the co-chair and lead curator of CanUX, Canada’s largest and longest running UX event. Over the past 15 years, he specialized in managing large enterprise scale...
Jonathan Snook Jonathan Snook writes about tips, tricks, and bookmarks on his blog at He has also written for A List Apart, 24ways, and .net magazine, and has co-authored two books, The Art and Science of CSS and Accelerated...