
Event Recordings

Explore our collection of Chicago Camps’ most enriching design dialogues, from the concise, engaging dialogues of Tent Talks to the in-depth explorations at UX Camp, and the visionary perspectives at Leadership By Design.

Whether you’re revisiting a favorite session or discovering new insights, these recordings are your gateway to an ever-expanding world of design knowledge and leadership wisdom.

Discover, learn, and be inspired by the diverse voices that have shaped our vibrant design community.

Leadership By Design 2015: Prototypes, Process & Play How I Made the Beer You’re Tasting This Afternoon Ever wonder how home brewers make their beer? Stephen Strong, is a bit more than a home brewer–he’s more like a nano-brewer! Brewing...
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    Leadership By Design 2015: Prototypes, Process & Play Closing Panel: Design of Organizations Day 1 of Prototypes, Process & Play closes out with a panel featuring 3 very different leaders from 3 very different types of organizations. Clay...
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Leadership By Design 2015: Prototypes, Process & Play Sometimes You Need to Draw Animals This is my story of going to the edge of burnout and back again. When I quit my first startup job in 2011, I did so...
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Leadership By Design 2015: Prototypes, Process & Play Cooking by Design Deciding what to schlep on the dinner table can be a piece of cake—or a nightmare for a chef like me. I’m not one to plan ahead; I tend...
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Leadership By Design 2015: Prototypes, Process & Play Cartoon Creativity: What I Learned from Chuck Jones Lessons sometimes come from unlikely sources, which is why one of modern history’s richest sources of inspiration for creativity, leadership and culture-building often goes...
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Different Kinds of Minds Keynote at Leadership By Design 2015.
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Leadership By Design 2015: Prototypes, Process & Play Design What Really Matters Designers love to delight customers with look and feel. But if a product doesn’t solve a real problem, customers won’t care how pretty it is. For design to...
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Leadership By Design 2015: Prototypes, Process & Play Creativity Imperative Creativity and innovation are now hailed as the most important contributors to the growth of the economy. It’s imperative that environments are structured so creativity and innovation can thrive. Good...
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September 2024