Ana Peralta – Running Design Sprint Kickoff Meetings Remotely with a Global Team

Ana Peralta - Running Design Sprint Kickoff Meetings Remotely with a Global Team
Ana Peralta
Senior User Experience & Product Designer
Dell Technologies
Ana V Peralta is a User Experience Designer, CSPO and User Experience Strategist based in Austin, Texas. Ana is known for her work with the Dell IT Support site, Facebook’s Transparency reports and Disney’s Corporate Retreat e-brochure website where you can build magical itineraries with your colleagues.

UX Camp Summer 2021

Running Design Sprint Kickoff Meetings Remotely with a Global Team

Do you work distributed/remotely? Does anyone on your team work distributed/remotely? Now, is your team spread out across different countries, continents and time zones? Welcome to my (career) life! In this talk, I will share tools, resources, methods and epic fail stories of ways I’ve attempted to run kick off design sprint meetings with multidisciplinary teams and how I manage to organize my work day in order to get it all done.

With a set of prep work of templated documentation, team exercises and distribution of roles done in advance coupled with remote screen-sharing tools, anyone will able to keep the engagement, participation and morale levels high and efficient in their workshop running as if you were in all back in a meeting room.

Event Details
UX Camp Summer 2021
June 5, 2021
10:00 am
June 5, 2021
3:30 pm
UX Camp Summer 2021 is a 1-day mini-conference that delivers great UX content at a price that lets anyone attend, from where you are. On Saturday, June 5, 2021 at 10AM CT, from where ever you are—we’re serving up 2...
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