UX Camp Spring 2022
Introduction to UXE (UX Engineering)
UX Engineers are there not only to help enforce design patterns, but to be creative with coded solutions that assist in speeding up user testing in environments that add security for both the participant and interviewer. I am going to show how code methodologies and current frameworks can help communicate design decisions and drive a cohesive bond with other teams inside your organization.
The one thing every designer can agree on is that design sometimes doesn’t translate perfectly into production environments. There can be glaring alignment issues, misuse of fonts, and all sorts of weird color interpretations development teams make, simply because they make too many assumptions and rush to make deadlines. Imagine not just delivering a design file to developers—but an entire coded framework with precise css code that guarantees design fidelity. A UX Engineer is a designer’s best friend.
As UX continues to grow and evolve, the more need there is to have prototypes available to share with clients, pitch for funding and resources, and iterate patterns with design teams. UX Engineers allow designers to see and test their work in real world applications outside of design software, and create a more cohesive bond with development teams.