Natalie D. Hanson, Ph.D.
Natalie D Hanson is a Principal and partner at ZS, where she built and now leads the User Experience team. Prior to ZS, she worked at SAP, where she also built a User Experience team supporting Board-level projects. Natalie holds an M.A. in Whole Systems Design from Antioch University Seattle, and a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Temple University. For most of her career, Natalie has found herself surrounded by individuals and teams with deep expertise in unfamiliar domains (such as computer science, and more recently data science). As a result, she is very curious about and committed to making interdisciplinary teams work. Natalie is the founder of anthrodesign, a vibrant, global, online community of over three thousand multi-disciplinary researchers who use ethnographic methods in the business setting.
For more, keep up with Natalie at or on Twitter as @ndhanthro.