Year: 2022

Leadership By Design 2022 And Now You Are a Leader… You’ve been promoted, you have the role you’ve been working towards for the last 2-5 years in design leadership. Now, what do you do? Mags Hanley will take you through...
  • November 8, 2022
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Leadership By Design 2022 Growing Better Design Careers One of the biggest challenges to retaining employees is the lack of value or growth they perceive in their current position. To solve this, design leaders need to provide a clear understanding...
  • November 8, 2022
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Leadership By Design 2022 Ethics & Trust for Emerging Technologies Emerging technologies such as automated vacuums and smart refrigerators are becoming more common in homes, and we all find ourselves conversing regularly with chatbots (whether we want to or not!)....
  • November 8, 2022
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UX Camp Spring 2022 Set Up Boundaries as a Design Leader As a design leader, one should know their value and set up boundaries. Ask for feedback to not only maximize your value and career development but to maintain a...
  • May 21, 2022
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UX Camp Spring 2022 Product Management for UX People “Why is a product Manager telling me what to do?” “Plus, how is software even a product?” “What do product managers want and why are they so frustrating?” Have you ever...
  • May 21, 2022
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UX Camp Spring 2022 Confident Communication: Overcome Public Speaking Fear & Be Fully Expressed Being a confident communicator is not just the way you act, talk, and look. It’s a habitual way of thinking and reacting. In this talk, you...
  • May 21, 2022
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UX Camp Spring 2022 Don’t Fear the Spreadsheet: A Guide to Content Audits for Product Teams Audits are a go-to tool for cataloging and optimizing website content, and they can also be your product team’s secret weapon. Examining key features...
  • May 21, 2022
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UX Camp Spring 2022 Introduction to UXE (UX Engineering) UX Engineers are there not only to help enforce design patterns, but to be creative with coded solutions that assist in speeding up user testing in environments that add security for...
  • May 21, 2022
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UX Camp Spring 2022 Cognitive Biases: The Good, The Bad, & the Ugly Cognitive Bias can impact the way we design and often, it happens without us recognizing what we’re doing, which in turn means that we could design and...
  • May 21, 2022
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UX Camp Spring 2022 Good Intentions and Bad Actors As designers, we are able to leverage our understanding of the human condition and systems to transform technology into offerings that make millions of dollars for companies, while remaining idealistic about...
  • May 21, 2022
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September 2024