Year: 2021

  UX Camp Winter 2021 Leave a Trail of Breadcrumbs: Designing Navigation with Customer Intentions Navigation in complex websites and products is… well, complex. How do you help your users go from A → B → H when you’re putting...
  • January 23, 2021
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  UX Camp Winter 2021 Remote Digital Ethnography: Understand Online Dating Behaviors Within the Digital Environment Observing participants can present several challenges, yet still turns out invaluable data that informs our designs—so how in the heck can we observe thoroughly...
  • January 23, 2021
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UX Camp Winter 2021 Usability: The Subset of UX UX and Usability are two words that are often used interchangeably and without much regard to their differences. Since usability is an important aspect of UX, we need to understand the...
  • January 23, 2021
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UX Camp Winter 2021 Remotely Human Necessity is the mother of invention… and this year, have we had necessity! Many teams were suddenly forced to work entirely remotely, requiring major adjustments to work styles and tool sets. While most technology...
  • January 23, 2021
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UX Camp Winter 2021 Unpacking Context During a Pandemic: Reflections & Tips Context has always been of importance to unpack and describe when understanding human realities. Context is anything and everything that brings meaning to human realities. Pre-COVID, qualitative researchers...
  • January 23, 2021
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UX Camp Winter 2021 Your System is a Language Software development, component-oriented design, and content strategy practices all emphasize the idea of building a “shared vocabulary” to make communication between team members easier. But a vocabulary implies grammar, context, and...
  • January 23, 2021
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UX Camp Winter 2021 Don’t Let Ambiguity Be the Death of Your Design Project It seems like everything is fast-paced and we don’t always have the luxury to get all the answers we need before we start diving into our...
  • January 23, 2021
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  UX Camp Winter 2021 8 Ways People Screw Up Their UX Portfolio Portfolios are required for designers, researchers, strategists, and managers. Yet, most people in our field do not want to show off their work. In many respects, we...
  • January 23, 2021
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  UX Camp Winter 2021 Design for Trust: Our Opportunity, Our Responsibility Cynicism is easy. Hope takes work. Trust bridges the distance between them, and designers have a unique opportunity to foster it. In today’s economy, we need new strategies...
  • January 23, 2021
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September 2024