Year: 2021

UX Camp Spring 2021 Content Design for Non-Content Folks You did your research, you found the problem. You came up with great concepts and design. But you get to user testing, and all your users can talk about is the...
  • April 3, 2021
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UX Camp Spring 2021 Making Creativity Out of Masked Air: How To Stay Relentlessly Creative Through a Pandemic & Beyond So many of the things we used to rely on to fuel our creativity before the pandemic—meeting new people, traveling,...
  • April 3, 2021
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UX Camp Spring 2021 Understanding the Mysterious Behavior of Complex Digital Product Users Workhorse, data-dense digital products pose serious challenges, requiring compact UI focused on productivity and efficiency. To make better complex apps and software, we must deeply understand the...
  • April 3, 2021
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UX Camp Spring 2021 Building Confident Users in the Space Between Siloed organizations aren’t incentivized to improve the space between products, despite the massive opportunity it presents. Seizing that opportunity is as much community organization as it is design. Enterprise...
  • April 3, 2021
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UX Camp Spring 2021 Building Character: Creating Unique, Consistent Experiences with Design Principles Inconsistency is one of the most common points of breakdown and frustration in the interactions and experiences we have. Whether we’re interacting with other people, apps, our...
  • April 3, 2021
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UX Camp Winter 2021 A Digital Designer’s Carbon Footprint Designers may be inadvertently contribute to climate change through their normal, everyday activities. As digital designers, we use a lot of resources and since many of them are digital we tend...
  • January 23, 2021
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UX Camp Winter 2021 Think Like a Developer to Design Better Structured Content If you work on websites from the ground up, you know the pain of seeing your best-laid content plans go awry. Hasty help text, mysterious CMS constraints,...
  • January 23, 2021
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UX Camp Winter 2021 Mapping the Journey of a Design Career The User Experience field is an infinitely rewarding one that has no shortage of serendipities, fears, risks, wins and losses. My story is one of fear and bravery, bravery...
  • January 23, 2021
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UX Camp Winter 2021 Revisiting Wireframes — Techniques & Principles for the Whole Team Wireframes are not only design artifacts, they are also effective communication tools. Learn how wireframes can be used in multiple ways throughout the product design process...
  • January 23, 2021
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UX Camp Winter 2021 Rapid Prototyping in the Design Process No one likes spending hours of time on a well thought out design, only to learn that the idea behind the design wasn’t backed by user feedback. Creating with a...
  • January 23, 2021
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September 2024