Year: 2021

UX Camp Summer 2021 How to Talk to Your Developers About Accessibility Although generally thought of as something only important to the “disabled”, considering accessibility for digital products improves everyones experience. This is true regardless of their particular abilities. Instead...
  • June 5, 2021
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UX Camp Summer 2021 Conscious Uncoupling — Innovative Ways to Separate User Habits from User Needs When modernizing a legacy system, it’s easy to just recreate what exists—only a little better. This is an especially dangerous trap when the users...
  • June 5, 2021
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UX Camp Summer 2021 How to Make the Right Design Portfolio to Land Your Next Job As a hiring manager at Amazon, I’ve seen a gazillion resumes and portfolios. I&8217;ve also been part of review panels for portfolio presentations from...
  • June 5, 2021
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UX Camp Summer 2021 With the World on Fire Join Ashleigh Axios for an insightful and information-packed talk on the big and small lessons of a designer who works to make positive social change during times when the world seems...
  • June 5, 2021
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UX Camp Summer 2021 How We Do the Work Matters We’ve told ourselves and each other for years that we should be happy with small victories—we worked with our teams to make the world a little more accessible. And yes,...
  • June 5, 2021
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UX Camp Spring 2021 Speak to Inspire: Confident Communication in the Distributed World On-camera anxiety and Zoom fatigue can make it challenging to be and present your best self. Being a confident communicator is not just the way you act,...
  • April 3, 2021
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UX Camp Spring 2021 Designing Through Imposter Syndrome: Using a Goal-based Framework to Navigate Career Growth in Design The design industry doesn’t make it easy for any of us to be designers—and it can seem even more challenging to be...
  • April 3, 2021
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UX Camp Spring 2021 Using Maslow’s Hierarchy to Design for Minorities Have you ever found yourself at a loss for what to say in response to “I don’t understand why we need to point out race… we’re all humans here?”...
  • April 3, 2021
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UX Camp Spring 2021 May We Be Compassionate Warriors Have you ever screwed up at work? This can be a big or small thing; it’s a terrible feeling. This happens to everyone at every level in our career. We make...
  • April 3, 2021
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UX Camp Spring 2021 How We Get Wicked Good Did you ever wonder why so much of our work seems harder than it should be? Does it feel like you are constantly working at altitude, trying to do more work...
  • April 3, 2021
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September 2024