Year: 2020

  UX Camp Fall 2020 Consent & Ethics in Experience Design As we rapidly approach “The Uncanny Valley” of experience design, what obligation do technology creators have in maintaining an environment of informed consent and ethics with their audience? This...
  • October 17, 2020
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  UX Camp Fall 2020 “Du” Good: How UXers Can Help Change Our Companies & Communities As UX practitioners we pride ourselves on human-centered design, but do we really practice what we preach when statistics continually reflect a staggering lack...
  • October 17, 2020
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  UX Camp Fall 2020 Leading Successfully Through Leading Ourselves How can we lead teams in progressive orgs going through digital transformation or orgs that are slower to adapt? By focusing on developing certain skills, disciplines and characteristics within ourselves...
  • October 17, 2020
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  Leadership By Design 2020 New Layer Podcast Live! New Layer is a conversational podcast on everything related to digital product design, with hosts Jasmine Friedl and Tanner Christensen. We discuss design careers, tools, education, critique, and much more.
  • August 7, 2020
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Leadership By Design 2020 Beyond Tactical Onboarding: What Every Designer Needs to Know to be Successful Good design leaders know that designers must think beyond the interface and user needs and work on the business, not just in the business....
  • August 7, 2020
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Leadership By Design 2020 Betazoid Leadership in a Locked Down Federation “To admit that you’re afraid gives you strength.” — Counselor Troi to Lieutenant Worf (Star Trek: TNG) As a leader, being/feeling/appearing vulnerable can be uncomfortable and make us doubt...
  • August 7, 2020
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Leadership By Design 2020 Hunting for Your Dinner: Finding Opportunities & Adding Value in Wicked Times Designers have always had to be creative and thoughtful about finding their next project, job, or opportunity. Any illusions of control we had disappeared...
  • August 7, 2020
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Leadership By Design 2020 Leading With Discomfort Originally I’d planned to discuss the systems that keep HubSpot’s 120 person UX team focused on the right things for our customers. Then the world tilted back in March, and 2020 has served...
  • August 7, 2020
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Leadership By Design 2020 Civic Creatives Overview Civic Creatives produces experiences, tools, and platforms that help cities and organizations engage more intimately with communities to address social injustices within the built environment.
  • August 7, 2020
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    Leadership By Design 2020 Q&A with the Coach & the CEO Spend time with the CEO of a Digital Transformation firm who is actively working through a dramatically changing landscape and an executive coach who is helping other...
  • August 7, 2020
  • 3 Min Read
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September 2024